王剴1,2, 陳宏滿1, 任金龍3
1 中國科學院昆明動物研究所,昆明,云南,中國
2 Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
3 中國科學院成都生物研究所,成都,四川,中國
2017年內,我國累計新發現兩棲爬行動物新物種22種新亞種2種,隸屬于4目,10科17屬。其中兩棲類包括了無尾目Anura的角蟾科Megophryidae(掌突蟾屬Leptolalax、異角蟾屬Xenophrys)、蛙科Ranidae(湍蛙屬Amolops、琴蛙屬 Nidirana、蛙屬Rana、臭蛙屬Odorrana[見下文關于 Odorrana arunachalensis的屬級討論])、樹蛙科Rhacophoridae(溪樹蛙屬Buergeria、纖樹蛙屬Gracixalus、原指樹蛙屬Kurixalus、樹蛙屬Rhacophorus)和有尾目的Caudata蠑螈科Salamandridae(疣螈屬Tylototriton);爬行類包括了有鱗目Squamata的鬣蜥科Agamidae(攀蜥屬Japalura)、游蛇科Colubridae(后棱蛇屬Opisthotropis)、蜥蜴科Lacertidae(草蜥屬Takysdromus)、石龍子科Scincidae(石龍子屬Plestiodon)、蝮蛇科Viperidae(亞洲蝮屬Gloydius)以及龜鱉目Tesudines的地龜科Geoemydidae(閉殼龜屬Coura)。
其中,新物種最多的屬為異角蟾屬(4種),分布于我國東南(廣東)和西南地區(云南、貴州),其次是樹蛙屬和后棱蛇屬(各2種),均分布于我國東南地區。從地理格局角度來看,2017年發現描述的新物種分布格局較2016年不同,分散于全國13省及地區(包括釣魚島)(2016年則集中于云南和西藏兩省)(Wang & Chen, 2017 [22])。盡管所涉及省份較多,絕大多數新物種集中發現于廣東省(4種)和安徽省(3新種1新亞種)。同時,2017年中國增加兩棲爬行動物新紀錄4種(棱皮樹蛙屬、異角蟾屬、瘰螈屬及疣螈屬)。
結合先前數據,截止2017年年底,我國共記錄報道兩棲動物468種,爬行動物481種 (Cai et al., 2015; Wang & Chen, 2017 [22])。在此我們總結2017年所描述新物種,同時本文總結了中國兩棲爬行動物在2017年內發生的主要分類變動。
新都橋湍蛙 Amolops xinduqiao (四川省) [4]
王聿凡 攝
太田溪樹蛙 Buergeria otai (臺灣省) [24]
自 Wang et al., 2017 [24]
井岡纖樹蛙 Gracixalus jinggangensis (江西省) [30]
呂植桐 攝
冷泉原指樹蛙 Kurixalus lenquanensis (云南省) [28]
王剴 攝
貓兒山掌突蟾Leptolalax maoershanensis (廣西自治區) [29]
自Yuan et al., 2017 [29]
藏南臭蛙Odorrana arunachalensis (西藏自治區) [16]
討論:Saikia 等[16]提供的屬級劃分所依據的形態特征并不具備鑒別性,無法將其新種劃分至臭蛙屬Odorrana。而依據作者提供的鑒別特征(如鈍寬頭部)及圖片,該物種極可能歸屬于倭蛙屬Nanorana。
自Saikia 等[16]. 上行:正模雄性;下行:副模雌性
南昆山琴蛙Nidirana nankunensis (廣東省) [8]
自 Lyu et al., 2017 [8]
大別山林蛙Rana dabieshanensis (安徽省) [20]
自Wang et al., 2017 [18]
欒川林蛙Rana luanchuanensis (河南省) [32]
自 Zhao et al., 2017 [32]
安徽樹蛙 Rhacophorus zhoukaiyae (安徽省) [12]
自 Pan et al., 2017 [12]
麗水樹蛙 Rhacophorus lishuiensis (浙江省) [7]
王聿凡 攝
紅股異角蟾Megophrys (Xenophrys) rubrimera (云南省) [18]
自 Tapley et al., 2017 [18]
南澳島異角蟾Xenophrys insularis (廣東省) [21]
自 Wang et al., 2017 [21]
荔波異角蟾Xenophrys liboensis (貴州省) [31]
自 Zhang et al., 2017 [31]
麗水異角蟾 Xenophrys lishuiensis (浙江省) [25]
王聿凡 攝
安徽疣螈Tylototriton anhuiensis (安徽省) [13]
自 Qian et al., 2017 [13]
金頭閉殼龜大別山亞種Coura aurocapitata dabieshani (安徽省) [19]
自 Torsten et al., 2017. [19]
三線閉殼龜海南亞種Coura trifasciata luteocephala (海南省) [19]
自 Torsten et al., 2017. [19]
紅斑高山蝮Gloydius rubromaculatus (青海省) [17]
自Shi et al., 2017 [17]
深圳后棱蛇Opisthotropis shenzhenensis (廣東省) [26]
自 Wang et al., 2017 [26]
趙氏后棱蛇Opisthotropis zhaoermii (湖南省) [15]
自 Ren et al., 2017 [15]
怒江攀蜥Japalura slowinskii (云南省) [14]
王剴 攝
釣魚島石龍子 Plestiodon takarai (臺灣省釣魚島) [6]
自 Kurita et al., 2017 [6]
天井山草蜥 Takysdromus albomaculosus (廣東省) [27]
自 Wang et al., 2017.[27] 左欄為雄性、右欄為雌性
Jiang et al.,[10]記錄蔡氏疣螈Tylototriton ziegleri為中國兩棲類新記錄,分布于云南省南部。
自Nishikawa et al., 2013.[11] 雄性正模
Zhang et al.,[33]記錄越南瘰螈Paramesotriton deloustali為中國兩棲類新記錄,分布于云南省南部。
任金龍 攝
康定湍蛙Amolops kangtingensis 被定為四川湍蛙 A. mantzorum的同物異名 [4]
自Fei et al., 2017.[4] Topotypic specimen of A. mantzorum.
Lyu et al., [8]依據分子、形態及求偶鳴叫的聲學證據,從拇棘蛙屬Babina中恢復了琴蛙屬Nidirana的有效性。同時,腹斑蛙N. caldwelli被列為彈琴蛙N. adenopleura 的同物異名。依據其研究結果,琴蛙屬目前包括8種,即琉球琴蛙N. okinawana、彈琴蛙N. adenopleura、海南琴蛙N. hainanensis、沙巴琴蛙N. chapaensis、仙琴蛙N. daunchina、林琴蛙N. lini、南昆山琴蛙N. nankunensis以及滇蛙N. pleuraden。
自 Lyu et al., 2017 [8]
依據形態學數據,Hou et al., [9] 將廣西棱皮樹蛙Theloderma kwangsiense 列為北部灣棱皮樹蛙T. corticale的同物異名. 同時文章首次報道雙色棱皮樹蛙T. bicolor在中國的分布記錄。依據研究結果,中國目前記錄分布有棱皮樹蛙屬物種6種,包括了白斑棱皮樹蛙T. albopunctatum、背崩棱皮樹蛙T. baibengense、雙色棱皮樹蛙T. bicolor、北部灣棱皮樹蛙T. corticale、棘棱皮樹蛙T. moloch、以及紅吸盤棱皮樹蛙T. rhododiscus. [9]
From Hou et al., 2017. [9] A–F 分別為(A) T. albopunctatum, (B) T. baibengense, (C) T. bicolor, (D) T. corticale, (E) T. moloch, 及 (F) T. rhododiscus
Chen et al., [2]依據形態,分子和地理分布數據,建議從廣義角蟾屬Megophrys sensu lato中恢復無耳蟾屬(Atympanophrys)和異角蟾屬(Xenophrys),真正的角蟾屬局限分布在巽他古陸(Sundaland)。中國先前記錄的廣義角蟾屬物種現被歸為無耳蟾屬及異角蟾屬屬下。此外,依據分子數據,記錄一中國新紀錄,茅索異角蟾Xenophrys maosonensis,分布于我國云南省東南部。
From Chen et al., 2017 [2]
依據形態及分子數據,Kurita et al., [6]將中國石龍子白斑亞種提升為種,即白斑石龍子Plestiodon chinensis leucostictus,分布于臺灣東部。而因為形態重疊且分子差異較小,作者建議將中國石龍子臺灣亞種 P. c. formosensis 列為指名亞種 P. c. chinensis的同物異名 [6]
自 Kurita et al., 2017. [6] 左欄:中國石龍子臺灣亞種Plestiodon chinensis formosensis; 右欄: 白斑石龍子P. leucostictus. 自上而下各行分別代表同種的不同年齡階段(最上行為幼體)
自上世紀采集后,Wang et al., [23]首次于野外再次發現玉龍攀蜥Japalura yulongensis活體,同時于云南西北部新發現玉龍攀蜥種群,增補其生態、保育及分布數據。
自 Wang et al., 2017 [23]
Wang et al., [26]依據新采標本,對福建后棱蛇Opisthotropis maxwelli 及香港后棱蛇 O. andersonii 進行了再描述。
自Wang et al., 2017 [26]. 左側兩欄: 福建后棱蛇Opisthotropis maxwelli; 右側兩欄: 香港后棱蛇O. andersonii.
依據全基因組數據,Chen et al., [3]將晨蛇屬 Orthriophis 重新劃歸為錦蛇屬 Elaphe 的同物異名,隨之坎氏錦蛇O. cantoris,南峰錦蛇O. hodgsoni, 百花錦蛇O. moellendorffi以及黑眉錦蛇O. taeniurus又重新回歸錦蛇屬。
自 Chen et al., 2017 [3]
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[6] Kurita, K., Hidetoshi, O. and Tsutomu, H., 2017. A new species of Plestiodon (Squamata: Scincidae) from the Senkaku Group, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Zootaxa, 4254(5), 520–536.
[7] Liu, B.Q., Wang, Y.F., Jiang, K., Chen, H.M., Xu, J. N. and Wu, C.H., 2017. A new species of the genus Rhacophorus found in Zhejiang, China (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Chinese Journal of Zoology, 52(3), 361–372.
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[13] Qian, L.F., Sun, X.N., Li, J.Q., Guo, W.B., Pan, T., Kang, X., Wang, H., Jiang, J.P., Wu, J. and Zhang, B.W., 2017. A new species of the genus Tylototriton (Amphibia: Urodela: Salamandridae) from the Southern Dabie Mountains in Anhui Province. Asian Herpetological Research, 8(3), 151–164.
[14] Rao, D.Q., Vindum, J.V., Ma, X.H., Fu, M.X. and Wilkinson, J.A., 2017. A new species of Japalura (Squamata, Agamidae) from the Nu River Valley in Southern Hengduan Mountains, Yunnan, China. Asian Herpetological Research, 8(2), 86–95.
[15] Ren, J.L., Wang, K., Jiang, K., Guo, P. and Li, J.T., 2017. A new species of the Southeast Asian genus Opisthotropis (Serpentes: Colubridae: Natricinae) from western Hunan, China. Zoological Research, 38(5), 251–263.
[16] Saikia, B., Sinha, B. and Kharkongor, I., 2017. Odorrana arunachalensis: a new species of Cascade Frog (Anura: Ranidae) from Talle Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Bioresources, 4(2): 30–41.
[17] Shi, J.,S, Wang, G., Chen, X.E., Fang, Y.H., Ding, L., Huang, S., Hou, M., Liu, J. and Li, P.P., 2017. A new moth–preying alpine pit viper species from Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (Viperidae, Crotalinae). Amphibia–Reptilia, 38(4), 517–532.
[18] Tapley, B., Cutajar, T., Mahony, S., Nguyen, C.T., Dau, V.Q., Nguyen, T.T., Van Luong, H. and Rowley, J.J., 2017. The Vietnamese population of Megophrys kuatunensis (Amphibia: Megophryidae) represents a new species of Asian horned frog from Vietnam and southern China. Zootaxa, 4344(3), 465–492.
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[21] Wang, J., Liu, Z.Y., Lyu, Z.T., Zeng, Z.C. and Wang, Y.Y., 2017. A new species of the genus Xenophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from an offshore island in Guangdong Province, southeastern China. Zootaxa, 4324(3), 541–556.
[22] Wang, K. and Chen H.M., 2017. Annual Review: Taxonomic Changes and Novelties of Herpetofauna from China in 2016. Published online on AmphibiaChina (http://www.amphibiachina.org/news/41).
[23] Wang, K., Ren, J.L., Jiang, K., Yuan, Z.Y., Che, J. and Siler, C.D., 2017. Rediscovery of the enigmatic Mountain Dragon, Japalura yulongensis (Reptilia: Sauria: Agamidae), with notes on its natural history and conservation. Zootaxa, 4318(2), 351–363.
[24] Wang, Y.H., Hsiao, Y.W., Lee, K.H., Tseng, H.Y., Lin, Y.P., Komaki, S. and Lin, S.M., 2017. Acoustic differentiation and behavioral response reveals cryptic species within Buergeria treefrogs (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Taiwan. PloS one, 12(9), e0184005.
[25] Wang, Y.F, Liu, B.Q., Jiang, K., Jin, W., Xu, J.N. and Wu, C.H., 2017. A new species of the horn toad of the genus Xenophrys from Zhejiang, China (Amphibia: Megophryidae). Chinese Journal of Zoology, 52(1), 19–29.
[26] Wang, Y.Y., Guo, Q., Liu, Z.Y., Lyu, Z.T., Wang, J., Luo, L., Sun, Y.J. and Zhang, Y.W., 2017. Revisions of two poorly known species of Opisthotropis Günther, 1872 (Squamata: Colubridae: Natricinae) with description of a new species from China. Zootaxa, 4247(4), 391–412.
[27] Wang, Y.Y., Gong, S.P., Liu, P. and Wang, X., 2017. A new species of the genus Takydromus (Squamata: Lacertidae) from Tianjingshan Forestry Station, northern Guangdong, China. Zootaxa, 4338(3), 441–458.
[28] Yu, G.H., Wang, J.S., Hou, M., Rao, D.Q. and Yang, J.X., 2017. A new species of the genus Kurixalus from Yunnan, China (Anura, Rhacophoridae). ZooKeys, (694), 71–93.
[29] Yuan, Z.Y., Sun, R.D., Chen, J.M., Rowley, J. J. L., Wu, Z.J., Hou, S.B. and Che, J., 2017. A new species of the genus Leptolalax (Anura: Megophryidae) from Guangxi, China. Zootaxa 4300(4), 551–570.
[30] Zeng, Z.C., Zhao, J., Chen, C.Q., Chen, G.L., Zhang, Z. and Wang, Y.Y., 2017. A new species of the genus Gracixalus (Amphibia: Anura: Rhacophoridae) from Mount Jinggang, southeastern China. Zootaxa, 4250(2), 171–185.
[31] Zhang, Y.N., Li, G., Xiao, N., Li, J.Q., Pan, T., Wang, H., Zhang, B.W. and Zhou, J., 2017. A new species of the genus Xenophrys (Amphibia: Anura: Megophryidae) from Libo County, Guizhou, China. Asian Herpetological Research, 8(2), 75–85.
[32] Zhao, H.P., Yang, J.X., Wang, C.P., Li, P.P., Murphy R.W., Che, J. and Yuan, Z.Y., 2017. A new species of the genus Rana from Henan, central China (Anura, Ranidae). ZooKeys, (694), 95–108.
[33] Zhang, M., Han, F., Ye, J., Ni, Q., Li, Y., Yao, Y. and Xu, H., 2017. The entire mitochondrial genome of Vietnam Warty Newt Paramesotriton deloustali (Salamandridae: Paramesotriton) with a new distribution record from China. Conservation Genetics Resources, 1–4.
引用:王剴, 陳宏滿, 任金龍 (2018). 2017中國兩棲爬行動物新種、新紀錄及分類變動. 發表于中國兩棲類 (http://www.amphibiachina.org/news/55-56)
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